Sarah mclachlan the brave one
Sarah mclachlan the brave one

sarah mclachlan the brave one

Jordan returned to Warner Bros to make his most recent feature, The Brave One. (Michael Collins and The Butcher Boy), DreamWorks (In Dreams), and Columbia (The End of the Affair) before reverting, with The Good Thief in 2002, to a more independent, Euro-pudding method of financing, which was the case with his next venture, Breakfast on Pluto. Thereafter, Jordan worked for Warner Bros.

sarah mclachlan the brave one

After the success of The Crying Game in 1992, Jordan was chosen by his "angel" David Geffen for the coveted task of directing Interview With the Vampire in 1994. Although Jordan had a brush with studio filmmaking in 1988 when he directed High Spirits and again in his following film, We're No Angels, neither experience was a particularly happy one (High Spirits was removed from his control and recut and partly reshot by the studio), and he returned to small budget filmmaking in Ireland with The Miracle in 1991. The Irish filmmaker has oscillated between mainstream, studio films and films cobbled together with independent funding. Neil Jordan's journey is an unusual one marked by anomalies and seemingly radical shifts in direction. And this we experience as a sense that now we are back in real life." -Slavoj Zizek precisely because the universe in which we live is somehow a universe of dead conventions and artificiality, the only authentic real experience must be some extremely violent, shattering experience.

Sarah mclachlan the brave one